
January 23, 2025


12:00pm - 1:00pm EST

Contact Hours


Location Online - Course

One Hour Webinar


The Virginia Department of Transportation used precast concrete panels inroundabout construction and roller compacted concrete in pavement construction. Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is similar to regular concrete in strength andother hardened properties. It uses lower amounts of water so it is relativelystiffer than regular concrete when fresh and shrinks less when hardened. It is placed using asphalt pavers and roller, so it costs relatively less.RCC’s biggest advantage is that it can be placed and opened to traffic in ashort period of time, within 24 hours. Use of precast concrete panels enablesthe use of high-quality concrete, it facilitates expedited construction, andenables easy repairs – by replacing one panel at a time.   Acceleratedconstruction can be very beneficial where extended traffic closure is notpractical or possible. Use of precast concrete panels can provide theopportunity to construct roundabouts in a short closure time thus creating lessdisruption to the traveling public.



Shabbir Hossain

Shabbir Hossain is an associate principal research scientist at the Virginia Transportation Research Council, a research division of the Virginia Department of Transportation. His research areas are pavement foundation and rigid pavements.  He obtained his masters and doctorate degrees from Auburn University in the areas of pavement materials. Dr. Hossain is a registered professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the state of Texas. He is a member of TRB committee on Concrete Pavement.

Registration and Payment

The following registration fees cover the session, all course materials and meals:

Local Government: $0
State/Federal: $0
Private Industry: $0

Click here for UVA TTA's general registration information, cancellation policy, and refund policy. UVA TTA accepts the following credit cards: American Express, VISA, MasterCard, and Discover. Credit card information cannot be taken over the phone. Alternatively, after registering you can print out a voucher to send in with your payment. After you have completed the transaction you will receive an automatically generated email confirming registration and payment if applicable. Final confirmation and instructions will be sent out during the week prior to the class date.